Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What's New Pussy Cat?

Not much has happened in the last week...longer work days, less sleep- the usual.

Us teachers have to be "observed" at work next month, oh joy. Guess I'd better over haul my lesson plans and make my teacher friends give some input! Our curriculum is nuts, our facility and student level is okay...there are a lot of 4th graders reading at a grade two level, this makes me wonder what public school must be like.

Dinner at the school superintendet's place tomorrow night. I finally get to see his wife again..I love them both to death. I'm sure if I didn't know them personally, and we weren't basically from the same place back home, I'd have more seriously considered walking outta this place a few weeks ago. It's all good now, stressful, but good. Tina, the middle school librarian tells me what to do when I don't know- which is often.

Got a kitten today, she's hiding under the couch...she's not too sure about me yet, but she was seriously and intentionally injured and is only 2 months old at the most...I'm sure that memory is still fresh for her. She's eaten though and wanders around my place when I stay still long enough, so I'm sure she's fine. If she wouldn't eat then I'd be worried. She's got all day tomorrow to adjust to her new home and all weekend to adjust to me.

Time to read, I'm finally reading's an awesome book.

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