Monday, August 10, 2009

A Side Note- Non Kuwait Related

Okay, I admit it...I love wrestling, especially the WWE.

And since I'm moving to Kuwait tonight was my last Monday night RAW and to add to teh awesome, it was live from Calgary...but it sucked and crossed a few too many lines.

Sgt Slaughter guest hosted, which should have been my first clue things were about to go down hill fast.

It was in Calgary which, despite being a rocking place, should have prepared me for Vince's hatred of Bret Hart (Calgary is Bret's hometown) to come shining through.

Anyway, the whole night was one big bash on Canada. The WWE even faked the audience, live and TV, by playing Bret's entrance music...even though we all know Bret will never set foot in a WWE ring (see his Wikipedia entry for the backstory) again, we all got out hopes up...but the music switched to Hacksaw Jim's (another old timer) and he came out.

That sucked, but on the OFFICIAL WWE chat one of the official WWE employees made an thinly veiled comment about Owen Hart- Bret's youngest brother who accidently fell to his death in one of Vince's rings...something that could have been prevented had the saftey regulations actually been adheared to.

CC made the comment after The Calgary Kid (actually The Miz, an American, came out to win a contract match after losing his the week before) came out in a mask...Owen used to wear a mask when he played the Blue Blazer...a role he hated very much and the one that killed him.

I guess even though it's my last RAW for a long time, I won't miss the show THAT much.

I really don't know why I expected more from Vince McMahon, really...

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