Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getcha a 3-piece Wall Street smile and son you'll look just like me

Okay, so it's been awhile since I posted...but not much has happened.

Until today, that is.

I woke up at 630 to get ready for our Halloween day at school only to get a call saying school was canceled, could I please pass the message along to the other teachers that work in my section of the elementary school?

Turns out one of our generators blew last night and was leaking oil. They worked on the generator last night but school was still canceled. Parent teacher meetings, however, are a go tonight and for 3 hours tonight and 3 hours tomorrow I'll sit around my library wondering if anyone is going to bother visiting me...I'm taking a book.

The OFFICIAL sequel to Dracula that is based off Bram Stoker's notes and is co-written by a direct decedent of Stoker.

Then it's off to Dawn's birthday party tomorrow night!

PS- this place needs some serious punk rock culture....a punk show, something...anything!


  1. Ash!
    Your too funny! I've enjoyed your posts. some of these adventures would only happen to you! Glad things are going well, sad you missed a Partay. Halloween is awesome. What were you going to be?
    Keep the funny stories a comin'.
    Shelby (The cooler version of Erin)

  2. Thanks buddy! I was going to be a hippie...such a stretch I know...

    "dress up day" will be sometime in Nov now.

  3. Hey Ash,

    Nice to meet you... in the bloggerverse. Thanks for checking out my blog and digging my Sebastian Bach toon. I've got some more work to do on him, but I'm happy with the start I got this morning.

    Anyway, I came to check out your blog and noticed you're a Canuck living in Kuwait! On top of that you're a metal head. I really didn't believe it at first and so read some of your posts to verify that you are indeed living in Kuwait... and you ARE! That's nutty and crazy. I've got a lot of reading on your blog to catch up on, but your story is so interesting that I can't resist.

    Are you on Twitter by any chance? Just wondering because I think your story is very cool and very interesting and it might be another good place to share it. You could promote your blog on Twitter and gain some more followers.

    Anyway, you may not be interested in all that, but thought I'd check. Stay safe for now and definitely keep posting!
